Speaker(s): Jim Marciniak
With i2Integration's Association Solutions (i2AS), we make your website the central hub of information of your association, providing a powerful first impression for potential new members, and the necessary tools to engage current members. To do that, we incorporate these 5 critical components to your i2AS website:
1. Make it mobile-first.
Very soon (if not already), your audience will be visiting your website primarily from a mobile device. i2AS provides the mobile-first philosophies and technologies to streamline the flow of information, from the navigation to content, design and functionality, while jettisoning clutter and the unnecessary to provide fast, efficient and most important – relevant, information to your members.
2. Make it easy to manage.
If you know how to use Microsoft Word, you know 95% of what you need to know to update content on the i2AS website. The tools are powerful, yet simple. Our approach is to train you (or train your trainers) and within hours, you’ll be managing the day-to-day operation of the site.
3. Give it the ability to share data and “talk” to other systems.
Does this sound familiar: your members (and staff!) complain about having to manage multiple user accounts across multiple systems, about redundant data that is not shared between the website, the LMS, the CRM, eCommerce and other vital systems in your business. What you need is a website with the ability to "talk" to other systems, to provide single sign-on capability, to share data, to streamline processes and provide you with the information and analytics you need to make better decisions. That speaks to very foundation of the i2AS website.
4. Make it powerful and flexible.
Your association website is ever-changing. So should your website. With a marketplace of thousands of inexpensive add-on modules and an open-source technology for customization, i2AS provides the features and flexibility you need to grow and evolve the website over time.
5. Make it eye-catching.
We’re not just talking just superficially pretty. Our designs follows function, drawing the eye where it needs to be – whether that is a call to action, key information, or critical image you wish to project.